Friday 18 April 2014


First Blog

For my first post, I feel like I should tell whoever is reading this that I will most likely talk about famous people (as my blog topic is stated) who influenced the world, where it be scientifically, socially, historically or otherwise.  The look of our ‘future blog’ will (in my guess) most likely appears as our thoughts on famous people all around the world, be it now or in the past. We will discuss on what they did, what we think about them, what we think they should of done, what we would of done and/or generally whatever pops into our head. We won't be restricted to one famous person (or at least I won't be) per a blog post or multiple blog posts thus we will talk about multiple famous figures throughout history. We will include images, videos, tags, logos, templates, gadgets and/or labels as the assignment requires.

- Leo Lieu (LILED1303/ISYS100)

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